Reloading weapons black powder

Before anything go take knowledge of safety rules in the primary safety section of this blog, if not you already

Doses of powders

For loading so you must bring with you your dose of powders  prepared as already explained on the security pages 
and on page Powders

It will be before your shooting session weigh each dose powders accurately so that your regular expenses or you may need to weigh your doses
 meal if you use it felt wad, 
I tell you felt wads a little lower on the page.

Weigh the scales on the powder and with a
entonnoire paid your powder in your pipes or tubes

You can also mark your test quantity in grams of your meal or your e powders to try various dosages.
Here is an example on this photo

Support  for arms

If possible, use a medium to put the gun in the  
loading doses and lead.

Here, for example a carrier that I make myself in less than 30 minutes can inspire you to support model available on the march


 See below desous or  for more details
 please visit my pages Powders

************************************************** **************
 powder type                   description                                                                     
************************************************** **************
 1F or FG               The biggest granulation for use primarily              
                           for large caliber weapons.                                            
************************************************** **************
 2F or FFG             Within thinner than 1f granulation, can be used to    
                             Arms .50 caliber rifles and guns has juxtaposed       
                       .10 caliber, .12, .16, et.20.                                                 
************************************************** **************
 3F or FFFg            This powder, granulation standard, is recommended    
 PNF2 or                for revolvers in .31 caliber, .36, and .44.                         
************************************************** **************
 4F or FFFFG         This is the lowest powder granulation, advised              
                             to initiate the flintlock.                                            
************************************************** **************

The shot
The shot that you can buy or make yourself  
go on my pages Ammunition  to know the diameter  
of your ball  depending on the size of your arms. 

 The examples that I give you below  

relates to a .44  and I use lead 11.55mm diameter or a .454 round, charging  mini and maxi powder my arms are 0.8 to 1grs black powder.

 For your dose maxi and mini appointment  
on my pages ammunition or powders and proud you the table that  I provided

The Wads

The felt wads

Of Fine meal 

I use fine semolina Panzani

Of course meal for Will you take the precaution to prepare 
doses in small tubes or as tubes for powders

The Fats

You must provide fat (fat example below) to obstruct  the cylinder chambers once the latter charge, powder,  wad and lead  here is the grease that I use but there are possible to make the  same silk. 

 This is 250ml pots and costs about 10 € from dealers. 

The fat  acts as a lubricant and closes  
tightly borne by separating it from the air.  
It thus prevents the firing chain, or a  
discharge  of multiple weapons, which  could 
 be very dangerous it it happened. 

 Accident  very rare but better be careful about security
which are essential when you practice  
pull a black powder

The Baits.

And finally primers necessary for the implementation 
ignition of the powder.

I use ideal in 1075 cost about 5 euros per box of 100.

Attention primers must Thee place at the last moment just before the shooting.

Here in the Order loading procedure weapons PN barrel

Put the dog in a safe position or  
rest first step that frees the cylinder.

Put your gun upright,  
barrel pointed upwards so.

Insert your powder charges in 
each cell of the barrel.

I used a small funnel history  
ease loading.

Immediately after all the powder charge,
 place your meal or  your felt wad.

There are important to the precision ball 
loan comes as  the output of the rooms  of the barrel 
without this gene the rotation of the latter.

Semolina is very handy for this, 
because it is more economical, faster 
during loading,  and easier dosing to 
to be precise about the position of  the bullet  in the barrel.

Semolina allows  also to use less fat when 
closed room by the latter.

Here are my powders and meal doses prepared in advance. 

I serves as a support to facilitate handling at the time of shooting sessions


This stage are very important because it serves to avoid 
any air between the ball and powder for 
too big  air space could create a 
pressure in the cylinder.

Place the ball on the mouth 
the cavity of the barrel.

Align the barrel the bullet and shift lever
 and push the lever  with a stable pressure
 until  the ball is down  and position 
correctly  on the bottom and sitting on semolina
 or without stuffing  however it crashed.

 It is important that  when  the ball is pressed into 
the cell of the  barrel with the lever  change,
 a  thin slice of thick lead 
about 0.1 mm  is trimmed to the ball. 

We thus obtain a perfect fit to  pressure the ball.

You can also use this kind of leverage, but 
which is banned in  competition and in some club

-Repeat This process for all 
cylinder chambers

Fill the remaining fat space between the ball 
and the mouth of the barrel. 

 Fat acts as a lubricant to the ball.
And hermetically seals  the load 
by separating it from the air .

It thus prevents the firing connects or 
unloading multiple tears.

You can also lightly greased your balls 
just before  it is introduced into the chamber of the barrel

I use a small box where I roll my balls and 
syringe filled with grease in order to facilitate dosing.

This step lubricating bullets is not mandatory.

Place primers on each stack by pinching slightly so that it is secure on the mantelpiece.

Do not place a liver primers ready to shoot
has always aimed to ensure the shooting butts once the primers in place order to prevent accidental starting

Your gun is now ready to fire.

In all his videos

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